Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on whether HDB flat owners are allowed to install closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras at their unit’s main door or metal gate facing the common corridor/area
Feb 1, 2021
Mr Muhamad Faisal Abdul Manap: To ask the Minister for National Development (a) whether HDB flat owners are allowed to install closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras at their unit’s main door or metal gate facing the common corridor/area; (b) in the past three years, what is the number of cases lodged with HDB by flat owners pertaining to their neighbours installing CCTV cameras at their unit’s main door or metal gate; and (c) what are the actions taken for such reported cases.
HDB flat owners are not allowed to install CCTV cameras at their unit’s main door facing the common corridor or common areas, to protect the privacy of their neighbours. However, residents may install CCTV cameras at the main door if they are facing safety issues, such as harassment from unlicensed moneylenders. In such situations, the CCTV footage could aid the Police in the investigation.
All requests for installation of CCTV cameras facing the common corridors or common areas must be supported by a Police report. If the installation is outside the flat, the Town Council’s approval will also be required. The CCTV camera must not face the door or windows of another flat, and the installation is only allowed for a period of 6 months and has to be removed thereafter.
In the last three years, HDB received about 361 cases of feedback from residents on CCTV camera-related disamenities. In such cases, HDB will look into the feedback, and if it finds that the resident has not sought HDB’s approval to install the CCTV cameras, HDB will ask that the cameras be removed.
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